The Who
E3 Spark Plugs is on a mission to improve ignition. Whether it’s the fuel inside your car, truck or small engine, E3’s spark plug design revolutionized combustion for increased power, improved fuel efficiency and a reduction in hazardous engine emissions. In order to rev its sales engine, the company needed a global B2B website as leading-edge as its own technology.
The Problem
An outdated web platform meant slow load times, non-intuitive navigation and a lack of features were limiting growth. E3 needed more than a new paint job; a full replatforming and tricked-out user experience were necessary to power its omnichannel sales engine.
The Solution
Uncap delivered a Shopify site with embedded B2B technology for ultra speedy product discovery. A “Year-Make-Model” tool simplified the customer’s search process, and a cross-reference application made it easier to find replacement parts for competitor SKUs. Thanks to Shopify Markets, the company could now offer its innovative solutions abroad. And with Shopify’s native B2B ecommerce features and integrations, E3 is now able to offer group pricing for dealers and operate a truly omnichannel web store.
The Results
- A scalable ecommerce solution created on Shopify
- Improved site speed and performance
- Easier-to-navigate product catalogs and reference guides
- A modern user experience with custom search functionality for faster product discovery
- Omnichannel pricing and selling solutions
- A global store enabled by Shopify Markets
Uncap Commerce is extremely efficient and does great work. They also provide great feedback and best practice advice! They are wonderful to work with! Todd Arey, Founder & CEO